Exploring technical roles in the ADF

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Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Dan Tehan MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs

Minister for Defence Personnel

Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for Cyber Security

Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Centenary of ANZAC

Media contact
  • Byron Vale (Minister Tehan’s Office) 0428 262 894
  • Defence Media (02) 6127 1999

Release content

17 May 2017

Twenty young people from around the country have completed an introductory tour of Defence training facilities to promote Defence Technical careers.

The 20 young people, including seven women and three Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, are current Australian Defence Force (ADF) job candidates who are interested in pursuing careers in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) based roles.

Minister for Defence Personnel Dan Tehan said about 950 ADF personnel completed a technical trade each year and there was strong competition to recruit people with STEM skills.

Mr Tehan said the candidates met with serving ADF members to hear first-hand about the benefits and opportunities of a career in the ADF, while touring top-class training facilities.

“The Defence Technical Scholarship Tour is an important initiative focused on recruiting young Australians with the skills Defence needs for the future,” Mr Tehan said.

“It is not enough to have the best equipment—our equipment needs to be operated and supported by the best people and these young Australians are taking the first step towards pursuing technical careers in the ADF. This experience will help them fully explore the extraordinary variety of technical roles on offer and see how trades people in the ADF develop their skills by working on technically advanced equipment and systems.”

The candidates were joined by 13 career advisors, university faculty, and teachers, who are also learning about trades in the ADF to help young Australians make informed decisions about their futures. There are around 70 different technical and STEM focussed jobs on offer in the ADF that are both for general entry and Officer candidates. For information call 13 19 01 or visit www.defencejobs.gov.au.

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