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The Hon Kevin Andrews MP
Minister for Defence
Release content
27 August 2015
The Government today announces the signing of a multi-million dollar acquisition and support contract for a Light Weight Automatic Grenade Launcher capability for the Australian Defence Force.
This contract, between Defence and Australian company Nioa Pty Ltd, has an estimated value of $47 million.
As part of project Land 40 Phase 2, the acquisition of this new Light Weight Automatic Grenade Launcher represents a key step in modernisation of the ADF’s lethality and capability.
Nioa Pty Ltd is based in Brisbane and will oversee the delivery and support of the Light Weight Automatic Grenade Launcher to the ADF.
The company currently employs approximately 50 staff and three new jobs will be created, as well as opportunities for other Australian companies to provide ongoing support and maintenance services.
Under this contract more than 200 Light Weight Automatic Grenade Launcher systems will be delivered to the ADF from the third quarter of 2016 until mid 2017.
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Media contacts:
Chloe Petch (Minister Andrews’ Office) 0477 395 356
Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999