Minister for Defence - First pass approval for replacement National Support Base Aviation Refuelling Vehicles

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The Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Minister for Defence

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27 March 2015

The Australian Government has given First Pass approval for Joint Project 157 Phase 1 - Replacement National Support Base Aviation Refuelling Vehicles.

Australian industry is encouraged to tender for the project, which offers a number of opportunities for Australian industry involvement both in the acquisition and the support phases.

When fully delivered, this acquisition will provide a new generation of aviation refuelling vehicles to support the Australian Defence Force’s (ADF) fixed and rotary wing aircraft fleets within Australia and at Royal Malaysian Air Force Base Butterworth, where ADF aircraft routinely operate.

Refuelling is critical to the sustainment of Australia’s fixed and rotary wing operations, from war-fighting and border protection to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.

These refuelling vehicles will provide a more flexible capability as part of a leaner ADF logistics system. Defence will explore both Government-owned and industry-owned approaches, however Defence personnel will continue to operate the refuelling vehicles.

The Government is expected to make a final decision on the project in 2016.

Media Contacts:

Chloe Petch (Minister Andrew’s Office) 0477 395 356

Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999

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