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Related ministers and contacts
The Hon Kevin Andrews MP
Minister for Defence
Release content
16 March 2015
Australia has provided a second tranche of cold weather clothing to the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The clothing is being donated to Ukraine as part of the broader Australian assistance package announced on 3 September 2014 by the Prime Minister.
On 3 March 2015, the Australian Ambassador and Defence Attaché to Ukraine visited the Ukrainian Armed Forces warehouse that received delivery of Australia’s clothing assistance package.
The clothing includes boots, balaclavas, neck warmers, wet weather outerwear, extreme cold weather underwear and skivvies. Australia has now donated approximately 130,000 items in total to Ukraine.
Australia has provided the clothing to help to meet the immediate needs of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
Ukraine’s Armed Forces continue to work, in line with the ceasefire agreed in Minsk, to pull back heavy weaponry and secure Ukraine’s eastern border in an effort to deny those who wish to destabilise the country through intimidation and violence.
While geographically distant, Australia and Ukraine have worked together closely since the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17.
Australia stands with like-minded partners in supporting the people of Ukraine in their efforts to ensure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of their country.
This contribution is a further demonstration of Australia’s support for the people of Ukraine, and their pursuit of a secure and stable future.
Media contact:
Chloe Petch (Minister Andrews’ Office) 0477 395 356
Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999