Minister for Defence - Visit to Joint Operations Command

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The Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Minister for Defence

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24 February 2015

Today the Chief of Joint Operations (CJOPS), Vice Admiral David Johnston and key operations staff of Headquarters Joint Operations Command (HQJOC) provided me with an update on Defence support to cyclone relief operations in the Northern Territory and Queensland.

During the visit to HQJOC, an overview of Defence operations in the Middle East was also provided during a tour of the Air Operations Centre and Joint Coordination Centre.

Vice Admiral Johnston advised that, following Tropical Cyclone Lam in the Northern Territory, the Australian Defence Force would shortly be delivering much needed tents to provide temporary accommodation for people who have lost their homes.

In the Rockhampton, Yeppoon and Mount Morgan areas, the ADF will continue to provide specialist engineering support and general support to debris removal.

On behalf of the Government and the Australian people, I am grateful for the provision of this emergency assistance and especially thankful to the employers of the Reserve personnel who allowed their employees to respond immediately to post-cyclone recovery tasks in the Capricornia Coast region.

The ability of JOC to maintain 24/7 over-watch on Defence’s operational deployments demonstrates that we are well poised to look after Defence’s people on operations and respond to short-notice incidents. The Government commends the ongoing work of Defence and other government agencies posted to HQJOC. 

The Australian Defence Force currently supports more than ten operations domestically and across the globe.

Tomorrow I intend on delivering a Ministerial Statement, which will update the Parliament and the Australian people on our operational commitments in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Media contacts:

Brad Rowswell (Minister Andrews’ Office) 0417 917 796

Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999


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