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The Hon Kevin Andrews MP
Minister for Defence
Release content
23 January 2015
DEFENCE aircraft noise management activities will be subject to independent review by the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman under a Memorandum of Understanding signed by the office of the Ombudsman, the Department of Defence and Airservices Australia on 19 January 2015.
Aircraft Noise Ombudsman Mr Ron Brent already oversees the handling and reporting of civil aircraft noise complaints, and under the new agreement will now also review the handing of all complaints or enquiries made to Defence concerning military aircraft noise.
In this extended role, the Ombudsman will monitor and report on the effectiveness of community consultation processes relating to civil and Defence aircraft noise, and on the effectiveness of information to the community.
The Ombudsman can make recommendations to the Board of Airservices or the Chief of the Air Force for improvements to the handling of aircraft noise matters.
In improving civil and Defence aircraft noise inquiry outcomes, lessons learnt from one agency could potentially be transferable to the other.
The Memorandum of Understanding signed on Monday is in line with the evolving partnership between Defence and Airservices, as the nation’s air navigation service providers, and will foster a consistent, whole-of-government approach to managing aircraft noise issues in Australia.
Should the public not be able to resolve their aircraft noise concerns with either Defence or Airservices, then the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman becomes their single point of contact for a resolution.
A new Charter has been endorsed to reflect the expanded role of the Aircraft Noise Ombudsman and is available at:, and
Media contacts:
For Mr Truss: Brett Heffernan 0467 650 020
For Mr Andrews: Cristy Elliott 0437 413 960