Minister for Defence - Speech - ADFA Auditorium Opening - Adams Auditorium, Australian Defence Force Academy

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The Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Minister for Defence

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6 May 2015

Thank you Air Commodore Clements for your welcome and introduction.

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen –

On this, my first official visit to the Australian Defence Force Academy, it is my honour to officially open the Adams Auditorium and commemorate the completion of the Australian Defence Force Academy redevelopment project.

The naming of the auditorium after Rear Admiral Brian Adams and the theatres after Air Chief Marshal Sir Neville McNamara, Captain Reginald Saunders and Sister Alice Ross-King; acknowledges the enduring legacy and accomplishments of these individuals and I welcome their family members and descendants here today.

The completion of this project marks an important milestone for the Australian Defence Force Academy as a world class training and education establishment.

Since the Academy opened its doors in 1986, the scope and delivery of training has changed significantly. It was these changes in teaching techniques and the requirements of modern learning environments that meant new facilities were needed to deliver efficient training and education.

The $98.5 million redevelopment project has seen the delivery of a new indoor sports centre, new flexible learning spaces, refurbished accommodation and cadet mess.

These building and service upgrades will meet the current and future academic and military training needs with modern, high quality, safe and energy-efficient facilities.

It is in these new facilities that the Australian Defence Force Academy will continue to produce the best future leaders for the Navy, Army and Air Force.

I congratulate all who have been involved; the Adams Auditorium is a remarkable state-of-the art facility and great addition to ADFA.  

These bricks and mortar, this architecture, this space will live on through the lives, careers and contributions of Australian Defence Force Academy graduates, teachers and researchers for generations to come.

It is my great pleasure to declare the Adams Auditorium officially open.

Thank you.

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