Minister for Defence - Speech - Remarks at the Farewell for Troops, Building Partner Capacity Mission - Enoggera Barracks, Brisbane

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The Hon Kevin Andrews MP

Minister for Defence

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21 April 2015

Thank you Prime Minister.

As you prepare to depart for this Building Partner Capacity mission today, I want to pay tribute to those you leave behind – your family and your friends.

Your vocation to be a soldier is one that you have chosen.

Their vocation to be the spouse – or family member – of a soldier is, in many cases, not one they have chosen themselves.

They are – in my mind – and I suspect also yours, the unsung heroes.

Today, we recognise them and we thank them.

It is also important to note that – one hundred years on from the Gallipoli landings – Australian and New Zealand soldiers again join together; to defend our shared interests at home and abroad. 

You are our modern Anzacs and this is indeed our shared legacy.

On behalf of your Government and the people of Australia, we honour you, we thank you and we wish you God speed.    

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