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Related ministers and contacts
The Hon Richard Marles MP
Deputy Prime Minister
Minister for Defence
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Release content
9 September 2022
Defence will undertake important ceremonial duties to honour the life and death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.
Defence has a long, proud association with Her Majesty who held a number of Honorary Military Appointments with the Australian Defence Force.
The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence, The Hon Richard Marles MP, said the Queen dedicated her life to service of the entire Commonwealth and will be revered and remembered for generations to come.
“During her reign, the Queen exemplified a life of duty and sacrifice, ever resilient in the face of adversity, and dedicated to the peace and prosperity of the Commonwealth,” Deputy Prime Minister Marles said.
“Her reign was the longest of any Monarch in British history and it is an honour for the Australian Defence Force to contribute to marking her passing.”
To mark the passing of the Queen, Australia’s Federation Guard will fire a Gun Salute from the forecourt of Parliament House, Canberra on 9 September 2022 at 1700.
The Australian Defence Force will fire six M2A2 105mm Howitzer Ceremonial Guns, with one round for each year of the Queen’s life, fired at 10-second intervals.
Australia joins all Commonwealth countries invited to fire a Gun Salute.
On 11 September 2022 Australia’s Federation Guard will also fire a 21-gun salute for the Proclamation Ceremony to proclaim the accession of King Charles the Third.
For decades, the Queen held several Honorary Military Appointments both symbolising and preserving her connection to the Australian Defence Force. Those appointments included:
- Captain-General of the Royal Regiment of Australian Artillery (RAA)
- Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Engineers (RAE)
- Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Infantry Corps (RAINF)
- Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Army Ordnance Corps (RAAOC)
- Colonel-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps(RAANC) and
- Air Commodore-in-Chief of the Royal Australian Air Force Reserves.
All vessels within the Royal Australian Navy were recognised as Her Majesty’s Australian Ships.
Over the next 14 days, Australia’s Federation Guard will have important duties to perform marking the death of the Queen and the Proclamation of the new King. More details on this will be released in due course.
Media can access imagery of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II here.