Virtual work experience program to help build defence industry workforce

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Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Melissa Price MP

Minister for Defence Industry

Minister for Science and Technology

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Ben Spencer (Minister Price’s office): +61 412 754 310
Steve Kuper (Minister Price’s office): +61 421 668 874

Defence Media:

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5 January 2022

The Morrison Government has partnered with CSIRO to deliver an exciting new opportunity for students interested in gaining exposure to the high-tech, cutting-edge world of defence industry.

The Defence Industry Virtual Work Experience Program offers real-world work experience to secondary school students interested in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (STEM).

CSIRO will work with Defence and defence industry to deliver the program, based off their own successful program of Virtual Work Experience for STEM based learning.

Students will be partnered with other like-minded students from across Australia to work on an inspiring STEM project.

They will be supervised and mentored directly by leading professionals working in defence industry, all in a secure online environment.

Minister for Defence Industry Melissa Price said the Morrison Government’s continued investment in school-based programs was crucial to building a pipeline of future talent and creating awareness of the great careers within defence industry.

“Our unprecedented $270 billion in defence capabilities will create thousands of jobs over the coming decades and we must ensure we are ready to capitalise on those opportunities,” Minister Price said.

“This program will deliver a valuable opportunity to 330 students across three years, with a pilot program of 30 students to start in early 2022.

“As the Member of a regional electorate, the fantastic thing about this program is that it is available to students from all parts of the country, whether they’re in Karratha, Cairns or anywhere in between.

“An appropriately skilled and STEM-enabled workforce is fundamental for defence industry to build and develop a robust, resilient and internationally competitive Australian defence industrial base.

“This program is aimed at school students interested in STEM and is designed to create a sustainable pipeline of talent by engaging people across the education spectrum.”

“It also presents an opportunity for defence industry businesses to showcase the breadth of opportunity that exists within the sector within a structured and secure environment.”

More information on the Defence Industry Skilling and STEM Strategy is available at

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