"Shaping Peace Together" 2020 International Day of Peace

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Related ministers and contacts

Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC

Minister for Defence

Media contacts

Ben Martin (Minister Reynolds’ office): +61 447 219 902
Nicky Hamer (Minister Reynolds’ office): +61 437 989 927

Release content

21 September 2020

Today on International Day of Peace we reaffirm our commitment to strengthening the ideals of peace.

This year’s theme, Shaping Peace Together, recognises the interconnectedness of our global community.

Minister for Defence, Senator the Hon Linda Reynolds CSC highlighted Australia’s commitment to upholding these values.

“As we celebrate 75 years since the establishment of the United Nations, I recognise the ADF’s proud history in UN Peacekeeping, and our ongoing efforts to build and restore peace,” Minister Reynolds said.

“Australians have served proudly in peacekeeping missions since 1947 including by supporting peace operations in Cambodia, Bougainville, Timor‑Leste and Solomon Islands.

“Australia continues to build on this legacy through our peacekeeping partnerships across the Indo-Pacific.”

This includes adapting the biennial Australia-Thailand peacekeeping activity Exercise PIRAP JABIRU to a virtual format due to COVID-19, working with the UN and international partners to provide airlift for peacekeeper contingents, and strengthening information sharing among regional peacekeeping centres.

“At this critical time when the list of challenges to peace is growing, we continue to work alongside the UN toward international peace and security,” Minister Reynolds said.

“This includes strengthening UN peacekeeping performance and overcoming barriers to women’s participation in peace operations.”

Defence’s support to international peace has included ADF deployments to peacekeeping operations, provision of expertise to support investigations into sexual exploitation and abuse, and the appointment of MAJGEN Cheryl Pearce as the Force Commander to the UN peacekeeping mission in Cyprus.

For further information about Australia’s contribution to UN Peacekeeping, please visit:

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