Students prepare for future careers in naval shipbuilding

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The Hon Melissa Price MP

Minister for Defence Industry

Minister for Science and Technology

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8 November 2019

Secondary school students across Australia are now learning more about career opportunities in the defence industry, as the Morrison Government steps up its campaign to attract the next generation of shipbuilders.

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Melissa Price MP, today launched the Naval Shipbuilding College’s national partnership with Work-Ready at a Perth school.

Work-Ready is rolling out defence industry content on their online careers education platform, used by teachers to educate students about career opportunities.

"The Morrison Government established the Naval Shipbuilding College to focus full-time on developing the workforce we’ll need to deliver our ambitious $90 billion Naval Shipbuilding Plan," Minister Price said.

"The Plan will create 15,000 Australian jobs and is a truly national endeavour."

"The Work-Ready platform encourages discussion between students, parents and other influencers about post-school education and training pathways."

Industry specific content is included across four learning modules – Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths; Jobs of the Future; Defence Industry; and Understanding Work.

This week industry leaders and educators are meeting in Perth to drive a national approach to attracting the skilled workforce needed by Australia’s defence industry.

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