Transfer of AP-3C Orion A09-659 to the Australian War Memorial

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The Hon Darren Chester MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs

Minister for Defence Personnel

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28 February 2019

THE Australian War Memorial will become home to the AP-3C Orion aircraft with tail number A09-659, preserving the heritage of this significant aircraft.

Minister for Defence Personnel Darren Chester today presented the AP-3C Orion aircraft to Director of the Australian War Memorial Dr Brendan Nelson AO at the Australian International Airshow 2019 at Avalon.

Mr Chester said the aircraft’s missions included long-range maritime surveillance, anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface unit warfare and search and survivor supply.

“Since the A09-659 aircraft arrived in Australia in July 1985, it has performed a vast range of operations including search and rescue missions for yachts off the coast of Queensland and in the Southern Ocean, the medical evacuation of a premature baby from Alice Springs, and flying missions for Operations Spitfire, Warden, Slipper, Falconer and Relex II,” Mr Chester said.

“The aircraft’s most recent significant operational flight was in February 2009 during Operation Firestorm, supporting Victorian state authorities by providing intelligence surveillance reconnaissance data to help combat the Victorian bushfires.

“I am pleased visitors to the Australian War Memorial will be able to see the aircraft and learn more about its history.”

The aircraft was retired in June 2018 at RAAF Base Edinburgh, South Australia, after flying more than
17,000 hours.

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