Creating a modern workforce model for a contemporary Australian Defence Force

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The Hon Darren Chester MP

Minister for Veterans’ Affairs

Minister for Defence Personnel

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6 December 2018

An innovative workforce model designed to meet the needs of a modern day defence force has commenced which aims to increase flexibility and capability of the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

Minister for Defence Personnel Darren Chester said the TWM offered ADF members a greater range of employment opportunities, retaining critical skills when members would have otherwise left the ADF.

“We know that Australians value flexible workplace policies, and workforce management practices are changing all the time. In this respect, the ADF is no different to any other organisation,” Mr Chester said. 

“We must ensure Defence retains the skills and experiences its members bring. We can do this by applying policies to support out people as their personal circumstances change during their career.”

Under the TWM, permanent ADF members will have the ability to transition between a range of full-time and part-time service arrangements. Part-time patterns of service available include days-per-fortnight, weeks-per-month, months-per-year or a combination of all three.

Other benefits of the TWM include an option for members to be dual employed, where their skills can be shared across both Defence and industry and greater opportunities for all Reserve members to serve across Defence.

This means the ADF is able to access skills and experience of the entire workforce, whilst ensuring members can enjoy a career in the ADF as well as pursue other interests. 

“The capability of the ADF, now and into the future, depends on our ability to attract and retain highly skilled people. We invest a lot in drawing the best and brightest to the ADF; it makes sense that we must also invest in retaining them by offering more flexible ways for them to serve.”  

More information on the TWM is available at 

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