Defence Industry Internship Program

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The Hon Steven Ciobo MP

Minister for Defence Industry

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1 November 2018

The Defence Industry Internship Program is now taking applications.

The program supports small to medium enterprises (SMEs) in defence industry to harness the highly skilled Australians needed to support the Australian Defence Force in protecting Australia and its national interests.

The program matches third and fourth year engineering students, 30 in total, with defence industry SMEs for a 12-week placement, to provide real world experience in pursuing a career in defence industry.

The Liberal National Government is investing $200 billion in Defence capability over the next decade. Australian defence industry needs skills and expertise to support Defence, and ensure our capability and sustainment needs are met.

 The program is one way the Government is helping defence industry develop and retain people critical to Australia building a world-leading defence industry sector.

 The program will be delivered by the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre, leveraging off its 40 years of experience in delivery of internship programs across Australia.

 Further information can be found at

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