28 jobs created with OPV contract awarded to L3

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Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence Industry

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Pyne Media: 02 6277 7840 pynemedia@defence.gov.au

Defence Media (02) 6127 1999, media@defence.gov.au

Release content

30 April 2018

In another example of ongoing progress in the national shipbuilding enterprise, Lurssen Australia, the prime contractor for the design and build of 12 new Offshore Patrol Vessels for Navy, has awarded a subcontract to L3 Communications Australia.

While opening L3’s new Defence Design and Engineering Centre in Victoria today, Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, said the contract with L3 would provide the communications throughout the ships, including monitoring systems for the engines and navigation system for all 12 Offshore Patrol Vessels.

“This contract will see 28 jobs created in Australia while allowing L3 to package a range of their maritime solutions together, providing further growth and opportunities for local Australian companies,” Minister Pyne said.

“L3 Technologies has a long history of working with the Australian Defence Force to deliver a range of capabilities, and have made vital contributions to our Collins Class Submarines and Canberra Class Amphibious Assault Ships,” Minister Pyne said.

“L3 have been expanding in Australia, growing by 30% since mid-2017. That’s a great vote of confidence in the Turnbull Government’s $200 billion investment in capabilities for our Defence Forces.”

“Their brand new expanded Defence Design and Engineering Centre will enable this relationship to continue and grow, collaborating and innovating with local universities and SMEs, and I congratulate them on the opening today.”

Lurssen Australia is under contract for the design and build of 12 Offshore Patrol Vessels.

The project, which in total is worth around $3.6 billion, will create approximately 1000 jobs - 400 direct and a further 600 in the supply chain.

Construction will commence on the first ship at Osborne Naval Shipyard in South Australia before the end of 2018.

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