Minister for Defence & Minister for Education and Training - Joint Media Release - Champions reSolve to support Mathematics in schools

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Senator the Hon Marise Payne

Minister for Defence

Media contact
  • Henry Budd (Minister Payne’s office) 0429 531 143
  • Defence Media (02) 6127 1999

Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham

Minister for Education and Training

Release content

4 October 2017

Sixty dedicated New South Wales (NSW) teachers of mathematics have elected to become Champions of the Turnbull Government’s new reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry initiative, a program designed to help students learn mathematics in more innovative and engaging ways.

The NSW teachers will join fellow reSolve Champions in every state and territory to spread the word about classroom and professional development resources and ideas with their local school community. 

Minister Marise Payne, who officially opened the SydneyChampions workshop on behalf of Minister for Education and Training Simon Birmingham, said the Turnbull Government had invested $6.4 million into this initiative as part of the Government’s agenda to improve STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education in schools. 

“This is another example of our focus on providing school students with new and exciting ways to engage in STEM subjects, including mathematics. This makes it more meaningful, attractive and relevant to students by teaching them how it can be used in their own lives and future careers," Minister Payne said. 

"For example, as we expand and modernise Defence we will need to grow our civilian and ADF workforce, as well as defence industry. Recruiting talented Australians with STEM skills will be key to building the advanced cyber, engineering, intelligence, and autonomous systems capabilities of our future Defence Force."

"Mathematics is an important life skill. No matter what career path our children decide to take, they need mathematics in their lives for everyday tasks such as budgeting, shopping and banking."

"Maths skills are also critical to success in our working life. From engineers to fashion designers, economists to architects, mechanics to construction workers, nursing to farming – mathematics is an integral part of so many jobs. 

"I am pleased to meet the New South Wales Champions and see the enthusiasm they all share for improving mathematics education from Kindergarten to Year 10.” Minister Payne said.

reSolve: Mathematics by Inquiry is designed to help teachers boost students’ interest in mathematics and to demonstrate how it can be practically applied.

Resources are available on the reSolve website,


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