Review of Australia's Space Industry Capability

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The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence Industry

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13 July 2017

Minister for Defence Industry, the Hon Christopher Pyne MP, today welcomed the announcement of a review into Australia’s space industry capability.

The review, announced today by Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science Senator the Hon Arthur Sinodinos AO, will lead to a national strategy for the sector that reflects Australia’s national interests over the next decade, and aligns with Australian Government priorities, including Defence.

Minister Pyne said the 2016 Defence White Paper acknowledged space based and space enabled capabilities, and the vital role they play in Australian Defence Force and coalition operations.

“The Government has recently announced new investment in Australia’s space capabilities,” Minister Pyne said.

On 10 July, the Government announced that Australia’s deployed forces will receive a major communications boost with a $223 million contract with Northrop Grumman Australia for the acquisition, construction and support of a new satellite ground station.

Minister Pyne said the Government’s support for the role that Australian industry plays in supporting Australian Defence Force operations and the capability needed to protect Australia’s national interests. 

“This Government plans to invest around $200 billion in Defence capability over the next ten years, of which space capabilities will be an important part. This will provide opportunities for industry growth and employment,” Minister Pyne said.

“The Government’s $1.6 billion investment in defence industry and innovation programs over the next decade will ensure that we invest in the industry we need to support our defence capability requirements and transition world leading Australian research, development and innovation into practical defence capability.”

Defence will work with a range of stakeholders, including industry, through the Next Generation Technologies Fund, and the Defence Innovation Hub has also been established to assist in developing innovative technology and ideas to support Defence capability.  It seeks proposals aligned with the six key capability streams identified in the Integrated Investment Program, which include space.

”The Centre for Defence Industry Capability I launched on 5 December 2016 is also focused on building the capability of Australian Small to Medium Enterprises to be positioned to support Defence’s capability requirements, including to support our space-based capability needs,” Minister Pyne said.

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