Minister meets with Western Australian Defence Industry

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The Hon Christopher Pyne MP

Minister for Defence Industry

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26 July 2016

In his first trip interstate the newly appointed Minister for Defence Industry, The Hon Christopher Pyne MP, today met with key Defence related companies based in Henderson, Western Australia to discuss the opportunities for local industry to capitalise on the Government’s continuous naval shipbuilding and other programs in order to maximise job creation and economic growth.

The Minister met with a number of large and small Defence industry businesses, organisations and Western Australian state government representatives to discuss the critical role Western Australian Defence industry plays in delivering our Defence capability today and into the future and how that can spur economic growth in the state with the slowdown of the mining construction boom.

“Western Australia has tremendous skills and innovation to contribute to our shipbuilding and submarine and programs, and as the home for a large proportion of the maritime capability to defend our nation over the next half century” Minister Pyne said.

“Western Australia is central to Australia’s national security and hosts many Australian Defence Force operational bases essential to maritime, air, land, Special Forces, intelligence, space capabilities, and training facilities.

“Small to medium enterprises based in Western Australia are the engine room of Defence capability and innovation. Western Australian Defence industry provides approximately 3-4000 jobs and an estimated $700 million of work was undertaken by these businesses in the 2015-16 financial year.

“Western Australia is a leader in building the high tech manufacturing and the innovation that will drive our nation’s prosperity” Minister Pyne said.

“This is where the jobs of the future will be created and with it the growth the broader Australian economy needs to maintain its position as an advanced 21st century economy”.

Over the next decade to 2025-26, around $2.4 billion will be spent in upgrading Defence facilities in Western Australia – about 9.3 per cent of the total Defence facilities investment for the decade.

The Minister’s visit highlights the critical role of Western Australia and its Defence Industries in delivering our Defence capabilities into the future

Media Contacts
Rory Grant: 0439 764 809,

Eleisa Hancock: 0427 981 990,

Defence Media: (02) 6127 1999

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