Assistant Minister for Defence - DSTO scientists explore Parliament House

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The Hon Stuart Robert MP

Assistant Minister for Defence

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25 March 2015

Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) scientists today explored the corridors of Parliament House as part of the Science Meets Parliament event.

As part of the visit the four scientists – Ms Madeleine Burchill, Dr Guy Gallasch, Ms Alison Hickman and Ms Teresa Magoga – today met with the Assistant Minister for Defence, Stuart Robert.

Mr Robert said it was a fantastic opportunity to discuss DSTO projects with the scientists who work at the coal face.

“It was terrific seeing the enthusiasm of the four scientists. They were all very keen to discuss their projects and weren’t shy on quizzing me on the Government’s role in turning research into Defence capability,” Mr Robert said.

“The work these DSTO scientists do behind the scenes is making a positive difference, whether it is extending the service life of military aircraft or increasing protection for our soldiers on the battlefield.”

Ms Madeleine Burchill, an Aerospace Engineer and Ms Teresa Magoga, a Naval Architecture Scientist, said it was great to hear first hand from Mr Robert how the work of scientists and engineers undertaken in support of the Australian Defence Force is appreciated in Parliament House.

“The acknowledgment we received reinforced that the work we do at DSTO is valued here in Canberra,” Ms Burchill said.

“It was great to get a solid appreciation of the Minister’s outlook on emerging science and technology needs. As scientists, we don’t often get a chance to discuss the strategic aspects of the material we work on,” Ms Magoga said.

Ms Alison Hickman, a Conflict and Stabilisation researcher and Dr Guy Gallasch, a Logistics Systems Scientist both remarked that meeting Mr Robert was a tremendous learning experience.

“Personally, I gained a greater sense of Defence’s priorities and challenges from the Minister’s perspective. He was also very interested in hearing our ideas,” Ms Hickman said.

“A lot of people would be surprised at the breadth of great work that goes on at DSTO. Events like this provide a good opportunity for DSTO to showcase what it has to offer,” Dr Gallasch said.

Media contacts:

Richard Briedis (Minister Robert's Office) (02) 6277 7730 or  0477 391 174

Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999

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