Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence - Air power – building a seamless future

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Related ministers and contacts

The Hon Darren Chester MP

Assistant Minister for Defence

Media contact
  • Brie Colley (Mr Chester’s office) (02) 6277 4029
  • James Cannon (Tribunal) 0433 884 238
  • Defence Media (02) 6127 1999

Release content

22 February 2015

The integration of air power across the Australian Defence Force will provide Australia with new possibilities in the future, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence Darren Chester said today in Melbourne.

Speaking at the Chief of Air Force Symposium, Mr Chester spoke about the possibilities of air power.

“Air power can provide fast, responsive options for Government,” Mr Chester said.

“Whether it is providing humanitarian support after a natural disaster or providing air combat to defeat the Da’esh terrorist threat in Iraq, air power can provide a range of options to project Australia on the world stage.

“Maintaining a credible and capable defence force will continue to require entrepreneurship and innovation in our Defence industry, and interoperability with our regional partners.”

The theme of the 2015 Chief of Air Force Symposium is Integrating Air Power – Building a Seamless Future.

The symposium is examining the influence of air power on national security through the introduction and assimilation of networked air and space systems; and how these will be integrated across military, national and international systems in the current and future environments.

Media contacts:

Chloe Petch (Darren Chester’s Office) (02) 6277 4029

Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999

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