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Related ministers and contacts
The Hon Stuart Robert MP
Assistant Minister for Defence
Release content
23 September 2014
Increasing the number of joint Australia-Singapore defence science and technology projects was discussed during a high-level meeting between the two countries in Canberra today.
Assistant Minister for Defence, Stuart Robert, met with Singapore’s Permanent Secretary for Defence Development and Second Permanent Secretary for Health, Major General Ng Chee Khern (Ret’d), and Singapore’s Chief Defence Scientist, Professor Quek Tong Boon, to discuss closer defence engagement, including science and technology cooperation.
“Australia is pleased to share a sophisticated defence relationship with Singapore and is committed to developing science and technology cooperation for the benefit of both our Defence Forces,” Mr Robert said.
The meeting with Major General Ng and Prof Quek today follows discussions Mr Robert had with Singapore’s Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen during the recent Singapore-Australia Joint Ministerial Committee, and his meeting with Mr Tan Peng Yam, CEO of Singapore’s Defence Science and Technology Agency, on 25 August.
All parties noted the value of working together to enhance mutually beneficial areas of engagement.
“A number of opportunities have been identified for Australia and Singapore to undertake research and development collaboration, including in the areas of advanced materials for protection, autonomous systems, chemical/biological defence, photonics and cognitive science,” Mr Robert said.
“I thank both Major General Ng and Prof Quek for travelling to Australia and for undertaking to enhance the relationship that exists between our two nations.”
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Media contact:
Richard Briedis (Minister Robert’s office) (02) 6277 7730 or 0477 391 174
Defence Media Operations (02) 6127 1999