Minister for Defence - Budget 2014-15 – Funding for Defence Operations

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Senator the Hon David Johnston

Minister for Defence

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13 May 2014

The Abbott Government is proud of the approximately 2,000 Australian Defence Force (ADF) personnel deployed on operations to protect and promote Australia’s interests and values.

The budget includes a total of $436.8 million in 2014-15 and $669.4 million across the Forward Estimates to continue operations in the Middle East, enhanced border security under Operation RESOLUTE (including Defence’s contribution to the Coalition’s Operation Sovereign Borders), the provision of ADF support to the November summit of G20 leaders in Brisbane and the Defence contribution to the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

Operations in the Middle East Area of Operations (MEAO), including in Afghanistan, continue to be a key commitment in 2014 as the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission is expected to transition after 31 December 2014 to a new NATO-led train, advise and assist mission.

Afghanistan (Operation SLIPPER)

Australia’s contribution to operations in Afghanistan commenced in December 2001 under Operation SLIPPER following the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Following a reduction in the size of Australia’s commitment and the number of ADF personnel in Afghanistan, Defence has reassessed and redefined operations in the MEAO.

From 1 July 2014, Operation SLIPPER will split into three separate operations to accurately reflect the evolving nature of Australia’s military contribution in the region.  Australia’s military commitment in Afghanistan will continue to be conducted under Operation SLIPPER while the ADF contribution to Maritime Security Operations in the MEAO and counter piracy in the Gulf of Aden will be conducted under Operation MANITOU and supporting operations in neighbouring Gulf States will be conducted under Operation ACCORDION.

Defence’s existing Afghanistan commitment will be in transition as the ISAF mission concludes on 31 December 2014 and a new NATO-led train, advise and assist mission is expected to commence.

In the latter half of 2014 the ADF contribution in Afghanistan will be around 400 personnel providing a nationally focused train, advise and assist mission with an emphasis on continuing to build the capacity of the Afghan National Security Forces. Australia will continue to provide trainers, support personnel and a force protection element to the United Kingdom-led Afghan National Army Officer Academy in Kabul and the Australian-led Afghan National Army 205 Corps Coalition Advisory Team in Kandahar throughout the second half of 2014.

The Government has allocated $466.7 million to fund operations in Afghanistan over the 2014-15 Budget and Forward Estimates period and a further $16.2 million has been allocated to Force Protection Measures in 2014?15.

Maritime Security (Operation MANITOU)

Operation MANITOU will commence on 1 July 2014 and will comprise ADF maritime operations, including counter-piracy, in the current maritime MEAO which includes the waters of Persian Gulf, the Gulf of Aden, the Red Sea and parts of the Indian Ocean.

Operation MANITOU personnel numbers deployed with the Major Fleet Unit will be around 250, on deployments lasting six months.

The Government has allocated $56.6 million to fund Operation MANITOU over the 2014-15 Budget and Forward Estimates period.

Gulf States Supporting Operations in the MEAO (Operation ACCORDION)

Operation ACCORDION will commence on 1 July 2014 and will comprise ADF supporting activities in the Gulf States of Bahrain, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). These contributions will support ADF operations in the MEAO as part of Operation SLIPPER (Afghanistan) and Operation MANITOU (Maritime Security).

Australia will have around 350 personnel deployed under Operation ACCORDION based across the wider region.

The Government has allocated $58.6 million to fund Operation ACCORDION over the 2014-15 Budget and Forward Estimates period.

Operation RESOLUTE

The Government has agreed to extend Operation RESOLUTE, the military contribution to whole of Government maritime security activities to protect Australia’s borders and offshore maritime interests and deter people smuggling. This includes the ADF’s important contribution to the Abbott Government’s successful Operation Sovereign Borders.

On average approximately 800 members of the Australian Defence Force continuously support efforts to protect Australia’s borders and offshore maritime interests as part of Operation RESOLUTE.

The Government has allocated $60.3 million to fund Operation Resolute over the 2014?15 Budget and Forward Estimates period.

2014 Support to G20 Summit

The Government has also agreed to Australian Defence Force support for Australia’s hosting in Brisbane of world leaders from the Group of 20 in November 2014. 

The Government has allocated $8.0 million in support of the 2014 G20 Summit.


Along with international partners including Malaysia and China, the Government will continue to search for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 in 2014-15 and has allocated $3.0 million in support of this operation. Defence has also been allocated $25.0 million in 2013-14.

For more information and access to the Portfolio Budget Statement go to


Media contacts:

Mark Dodd (Minister Johnston’s Office):                           0477 389 560

Rebecca Horton (Minister Johnston’s Office):                 0477 389 554


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